Ask for Customer Feedback, Stupid: (Your customers know more than you do)
After almost two years of development and testing,, a Natural Skin Care business, launched on May 15th. The formulation is good, sales are brisk, words like "magic potion" are being bandied about in customer reviews. Perfect scenario, huh?
SkinFence Vision: Provide relief to Eczema victims through caring, natural skin care
The legacy SkinFence marketing concern and ongoing conversation: The repeated and primary use of the word "Eczema' ---will that scare away the potential customer who is simply seeking a better and natural skincare product?
Then, BAM! From an innocent question (see below), the realization strikes --- when you are too close to the problem, you totally lose sight of what the World sees (and maybe wants).
The Post is from a repeat SkinFence customer who is already responsible for multiple referrals to her friends and coworkers. She has proclaimed that SkinFence is now her go-to, everyday lotion. If SkinFence has a number one SuperFan, here she is!
"While I was out running this morning, after putting on my SkinFence, a thought occurred to me. Why do you market your genius potion as only "hand cream?" I use it everywhere. On my face, hands, feet, shoulders and arms. Do you already have an "all over cream?" Just a thought...someone might see the name and not connect it to their elbow or tummy or wherever their eczema appears. Just my 2 cents...I love your product and think it's much more than a hand cream. Dawn Lynn"
In less than 100 words, Dawn Lynn has destroyed SkinFence's Mission Statement in the best possible way. "Reshapement" Key Thoughts (13) that I captured for forensic dissection, digestion, and integration ---(AND posting on the wall)
"While I was out running"
"Running this morning" .
"After Putting on MY SkinFence"
"Why...Market...ONLY Hand Cream?"
"I use it everywhere"
"Use it ... Face ... Hands ... Feet ... Shoulders ... Arms"
"Have 'All Over' cream already??"
"See the name and not connect"
"Connect Elbow ... Tummy"
"Wherever their Eczema appears"
"Just my two cents"
"I love your Product"
After I picked my jaw back up, an overall feedback review was needed. Then, like all good data-driven studies, the repetitive themes began to rise to the surface.
Keywords: Face, Feet, Gym, Sweat, Elbow, Ankle, Leg, Shaving, Smooth, Smell, Rough Patch.
70% non-eczema users
100% Female,
100% Over 25
67% Over 40.
Customers who CARE enough to take the time to provide feedback, whether they love or hate your product, are invaluable. Be responsive, be open-minded, and be ready to have your world rocked!
Please share this post with #skinfence #eczema #exposingeczema #natural #skincare
Jeff Harry, MBA, PMP, Eczema Survivor, SkinFence Founder. Created the SkinFence family of natural skin care products to help other eczema survivors find relief from the ravages of this terrible skin condition.